Synchrotab adds in person meetings to BOA’s MAX Apps for wealth management


One of Americas top three money center banks and largest US wealth advisory network in September 2021 launched a new Mobile Advisor Experience. The suite of apps, referred to as MAX, is part of a continuing digital transformation which advisors claim makes client information access both easier and faster.
MAX integrates a number of separate and well recognized individual apps into a seamless user experience. Synchrotab was selected as the client presentation tool.

Following a period of customized development to allow Synchrotab to run behind the Blackberry MDM system, the tool was successfully trialed with a small group of power users. After refining the customized security settings to allow integration with other apps, and ensure issues like timeout settings could be controlled, Synchrotab was recently launched to 900 users. Plans are to expand use to at least a further 1100 users, with bank wide adoption the longer term objective.

One advisor who regularly travels from the US to South America to meet his family office clients, commented on just how much easier Synchrotab has made his trip preparation. I no longer have to allow over a week to get client reports authorized, printed and dispatched. Instead, they are ready to go almost as soon as the report is generated and approved. What’s more, I can take my work-out in the gym, rather than lugging reports through the airport.

Another experienced advisor commented on the value of the security settings. By setting the system to prohibit any “leave behind” copies of the material, it allows me more flexibility in the level of detail I can share with the client immediately after period end. That way my client can understand performance attribution in almost real time, thus giving a key advantage over my competitors.